RULES AND Guidelines
General Rules
1. It is agreed upon entering any Dance Out Competition-sponsored event that participants, including students, parents, teachers, and other spectators, will not hold Dance Out Competition, or its directors, employees, or host facilities liable for injuries sustained, illnesses contracted by them, or loss of property while in attendance and/or participating in any activity of a Dance Out Competition event.
2. Dance Out Competition reserves the right, when necessary, to move a competition site or to expand a competition to a multiple-day event including Friday during school hours.
3. Participants agree that the time, manner, and method of judging the competition shall be solely within the discretion of the directors of Dance Out Competition.
4. All results of a competition are final.
5. Except for the judges and Dance Out Competition Staff, no food or drink will be permitted in any auditorium.
6. Dance Out has the right to refuse entries for any reason
Dance Out Competition reserves the right to change, delete, or add to any rules, regulations, and policies whenever necessary.
Photo / Video
Participation in any Dance Out Competition sponsored event indicates permission is granted to Dance Out Competition to use any photographs or video taken during the event in promotional venues, including newspapers, brochures, ads, television, videos, the internet, and other publications unless it is refused in writing by the studio director, parent or guardian 30 days in advance of the event.
The use of cameras or video equipment is not allowed unless the competition director authorizes it.
After careful consideration, we have decided that we will not be charging a media fee for this year's competition. We truly understand that many parents are already investing a significant amount of money into competition expenses, and we want to lighten that financial burden whenever possible.
Complimentary videos of each routine will be available to your studio director for distribution in the studio center Each routine will have 3 judge’s video critiques and 1 performance video. Please note that videos will occasionally be unavailable to technical difficulties or costume malfunctions.
Live Stream
After careful consideration, we have chosen not to live-stream our events. This difficult decision was made with the safety and security of our dancers and participants as our top priority. We understand that the convenience of live streaming is appealing, but we must prioritize the well-being of those involved. Live streaming introduces unpredictable risks, including potential costume malfunctions that could compromise the privacy of young performers. Additionally, we cannot guarantee who may be watching and accessing the footage, which raises concerns about their safety. We believe that providing a safe and controlled environment is of utmost importance. By not live-streaming the event, we can minimize potential threats and ensure the confidentiality and comfort of all participants. We appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate this decision. Your children's safety and privacy will always be our guiding principles
All entries must be made through our website. Dance Out does not accept independent entries or onsite entries
REGIONAL COMPETITION ENTRY FEES (available for Studio Director’s only)
Contact for fees
Entry fees must be received by the deadline to avoid late charges. Late entries or those needing changes and/or additions after the deadline will require an additional fee per entry. The Early Bird discount may be deducted from your total balance due if registration and payments are received by the Early Bird deadline. No exceptions. No early bird discounts are given for nationals. There will be a $30.00 charge on returned check
All fees must be paid by studio check, cashier’s check, money order or credit card. Credit card payments through an online system a 1.5% convenience fee will be applied. Any fees received after the deadline must be paid by cashier’s check or money order. Onsite payments will not be excepted. STUDIOS WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE SCHEDULE UNTIL PAID IN FULL.
Entries are accepted on a first-come/first-serve basis and are limited to performance time availability. Dance Out Competition reserves the right to refuse any application at any time for any reason.
There will be a $30.00 charge on returned checks for whatever reason.
All fees are non-refundable (including those for dancers who are injured) Credits for future events will be given at the Dance Out Director’s discretion. No expectations.
Schedules are at the sole discretion of the Dance Out Competition and will be determined based on the amount of time available at each competition. Special requests can be made for scheduling; however, they are not guaranteed. Upon request, we may allow a dancer(s) to be moved to an earlier or later spot, however if they do not perform during their scheduled session, they will not be eligible for Overall High Score placement. They will receive their adjudication medal.
No changes in routine/entries will be allowed after the final schedule is released. On-site entries are not allowed.
Schedules will be emailed approximately 2 -3 weeks in advance of the event.
Competing dancers must perform in the order scheduled by the competition unless; the backstage manager gives special permission. Costume changes or approved extenuating circumstances are without penalties.
Age Divisions
· Mini Petite Ages 6 and under
· Petite Ages 7-8
· Junior Ages 9-10
· Pre-Teen Ages 11-12
· Teen Ages 13-14
· Senior Ages 15-18
· Adult Ages 19 +
Dancers age division is determined by age as of JANUARY 1
Competitive Levels
Please take note of the following criteria for the Intro Level Division:
1. Train 2 hours a week or less (this includes all class and rehearsal time)
2. Have had a total of 2 years or less of dance training in any one style or combination of dance forms
3. First-year competitors
4. For groups and lines, 100% of the dancers must be Intro
5. À la seconds or Fouette turns are not allowed in the Intro Level
6. Triple Pirouettes in passe or coupe position are not allowed in the Intro Level
Additionally, Duo/Trio dancers must be 100% Novice level. Intermediate level and Elite level dancers cannot dance in a Novice Routine
NEW Should an unallowed element be added to the dance, dancers will be moved to the next level. If a dancer is moved, they will be expected to perform their routine(s) again using the scoring scale for that level. If the awards ceremony has been held for the age/level then the dancers being moved, then they will receive only the adjudicated medal.
This division is for recreational dancers ages 11 & under and 12 & above who currently train and have trained 5 hours or less per week over the past three years. Dancers may dance up a level for groups only.
Please note that for the Intermediate Level Division, Duo/Trio dancers must be 100% Intermediate level. A novice dancer may compete in an intermediate-level duo or trio and still have a novice solo.
NEW : No more than 1 elite level dancer will be allowed in a small group, no more than 2 elite level dancers will be allowed in a large group, no more than 5 dancers will be allowed in a line, and no more than 7 elite level dancers will be allowed in a production.
This division is for the competitive dancer possessing more advanced skill sets based on age.
** If the judges determine a routine is placed in the incorrect level, it will automatically be moved to the appropriate level or receive a penalty
This division is for students with disabilities and special needs who want a chance to shine. Performance times will be close to an awards ceremony. The age levels and categories will be the same as other levels. They can enter solos, duo/trios, and group routines.
Time Limits
Categories # Dancers Time Limit
Solo 1 2:30 minutes
Duo/Trio 2-3 2:30 minutes
Small Group 4-9 3:30 minutes
Large Group 10-18 4:00 minutes
Line 19 -25 7:00 minutes
Production 19+ 10:00 minutes
Dance Categories
Jazz: routine consisting of jazz technique.
Ballet: routine consisting of classical ballet technique.
Pointe: routine demonstrating classical Ballet and Pointe techniques. (Pointe Shoes Only)
Lyrical: routine interpreting the lyrics mood and feeling of the music, combining the techniques of jazz, ballet, and modern.
Tap: routine consisting of tap technique.
NEW: Industry: routine consisting of commercial dance, concert dance or music video styles such as Jazz Funk
Open: routine consisting of any dance style or combination of styles.
Contemporary: routine consisting of any dance style or combination of ballet, hip hop, modern or lyrical.
Hip Hop: routine containing street and funk movements.
Musical Theatre: routine portraying a character (s) or interpreting Broadway and theatre-type dance.
Clogging: Routine consisting with Clogging technique.
Acro Dance: routine consisting of 50% acrobatic moves and 50% dance.
NEW Dance Team: routine consisting of pom-pom or dance team techniques
Pro-Am: Any teacher or professional dancer may perform in this category. A Pro-Am receives payment for their choreography, performance, and/or instruction. But not student teachers ages 18 years or less. All dance styles are permitted and may be performed by a solo, duo/trio, group, or line and may include students. Teachers or professionals are not allowed to dance in the regular categories, except in Adult Division, wherein one teacher can perform in a Small Group, Large Group, or Line. The Pro-Am entries will be scored separately and not grouped with other Adult Division entries for overall awards.
Music Policy
All music must be uploaded to our website via the music tool in your Studio Center. The music upload deadline is 30 days before the competition
Please bring back up on a flash drive or tablet
1. Dangerous props are not allowed, including, but not limited to pyrotechnics, fire, water, glass, swords, guns, and knives. Routines are not permitted to include any type of prop that has the capability of causing any injury or that compromises performance space.
2. The following prop items are prohibited: confetti, hanging scenery/backdrops, special lighting, fog/bubble machine, live animals, and fluids.
3. No Prop item may be thrown from the stage into the house section of the theatre.
4. Props must be freestanding. Persons placing or removing props must not wear any studio garment or organization affiliation. Ensure no debris is left on stage after your routine. Failure to comply may result in disqualification.
5. Property holding areas are limited to the space provided by the venue. Dance Out Competition assumes no responsibility for limited space regarding props when not in use.
6. Dance Out Competition assumes no responsibility for damaged or misplaced/stolen properties at any competition
7. NEW: In accordance with OSHA rules, props may be no higher than 8 ft, but must also be 6 ft below the ceiling if a dancer is standing on them. Props over 6 ft will need a railing.
8. NEW Props are not allowed to be human or live animals. Additionally, they must be designed to operate independently once placed on stage.
Venue safety policy
NEW In our effort to ensure the safety of our dancers, teachers, and families, we will now implement a new policy regarding spectators. Spectators may be asked to provide the studio code of the dancer they are there to see. This measure is in place to guarantee that everyone in attendance is there for the right reasons
Please share your studio code with your families and friends who plan to attend our performances or events. Those unable to provide the studio code may be asked to leave.
Pandemic Policy
We have a Pandemic Safety plan in place should we need to implement it in the future. The plan will follow CDC guidelines as well as city and venue guidelines. The safety of our clients and staff will be our number one priority.
In the event we have to cancel a competition rather than reschedule due to a pandemic a credit for a future Dance Out event
Regional Solo Title Competition
Petite, Junior, Pre-Teen Teen, and Senior age divisions must be entered in the Elite Level. In the Mini Petite age division, all levels are allowed. Each dancer is permitted to have only one piece in consideration for the Title Competition. This includes all age divisions. NO ONSITE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ALLOWED.
NEW Each dancer will be asked to introduce themselves, including their name, age, studio, and choreographer. They will be perform the ballet combo for their age division. The combos will be sent to the studios along with your tentative schedule. The scores will be added to the solo score to determine the winner.
· Mini Petite Miss / Mini Petite Mister Ages 6 and under
· Petite Miss / Petite Mister Ages 7-8 .
· Junior Miss / Junior Mister Ages 9-10
· Pre-Teen Miss/Pre-Teen Mister Ages 11-12
· Teen Miss / Teen Mister Ages 13-14
· Miss / Mister Ages 15-18
Judging Guidelines
A pre-determined panel of judges will score contestants, and all entrants agree that the judges' decisions are final. All entrants agree that the time, manner, and method of judging the competition will be solely within the discretion of the Directors and Assistant Directors of Dance Out. Judges may move routines to a higher level or a different genre at their discretion. All score sheets will be available to studio owners/directors only. Each performance will be evaluated on the following five elements:
1) Technique 40 points total
2) Entertainment 30 points total
3) Precision 15 points total
4) Choreography 10 Points
5) Costume 5 points total
There is a maximum of 100 points per judge. Each act that performs will receive a score from a panel of three predetermined judges. Adjudicated awards are based on composite scores, not placement within an age group in each category. This may result in multiple Double Platinum, Platinum, and Gold awards presented in each age group for each category.
All routines, music, choreography, and costumes must be suitable for family viewing.
If a dance, costume, or music is deemed inappropriate for family viewing, it will be scored lower by judges and not eligible for High Score Overall awards.
Regional Dance Out Awards
Each routine will receive an adjudicated medal (Double Platinum, Platinum, Gold) based on score.
Category winners will be awarded to the highest-scoring routine in each dance category and age division.
1st – 5th Place in each age division/level will receive a trophy
6th -10th Place in each age division/level will receive a medal
Minimum routines are required in each division to award all ten places. When the minimum requirement is not met a reduction in awards and/or combining of divisions/group sizes may occur. A representative from the studio must be present on stage during the awards ceremony to be eligible for the Overall Awards.
Productions in the Intro level will be combined regardless of the age division.
Productions in the Intermediate level will be combined regardless of the age division.
Productions in the Elite level will be combined regardless of the age division.
Overall high points in 1st place will receive the following cash or gift certificate award: Certificates will be added to your studio center after the event in which you participated. They will expire after one year.
Cash awards or Award certificates will be given to the studio director. It is the Director's decision as to the distribution of such. Cash awards and/or gift certificates will only be eligible when there are ten or more competition numbers in an age division and level for the following group sizes: Solo, Duo/Trio, Small Groups, Large Groups, Lines, and when there are two or more Productions.
Solo $25 (There must be a minimum of 10 routines to award certificates)
Duo/Trio $25 (There must be a minimum of 10 routines to award certificates)
Small Group $50 (There must be a minimum of 5 routines to award certificates)
Large Group $50 ( there must be a minimum of 5 routines to award certificates)
Lines $75 ( there must be a minimum of 3 routines to award certificates)
Production $100 ( there must be a minimum of 3 routines to award certificates)
Dance Out Competition will award an undetermined number of Special Awards at the Director's and/or Judges' discretion.
· Outstanding Costume
· Outstanding Precision
· Outstanding Choreography
· Outstanding Technique
· Outstanding Entertainment
Routines selected in each age division/level will receive a banner or specialty award.
TKO Routine- Knockout (TKO) performances (small and large groups) will be randomly selected by our judges during our regional events. TKO will be announced during the awards ceremony after the overall awards. Routines that receive the TKO award will advance directly to the Final Showdown held at our national finals. This will not prevent other studio routines from advancing to the showdown. All TKO routines must be entered for the national finals.
TKO routines will receive an award banner
Dancers will be selected at each regional to participate in our Elite Performance Team. The EPT dancers will attend rehearsals during nationals to learn a routine from out EPT choreographer. Our Elite Performance team will open the show at our final showdown. Rehearsal schedules will be sent out with the national finals schedule. A T-shirt must be purchased to use as the costume for $25.00.
The workshop is held in the fall. An undetermined amount of full scholarships will be given at regional competitions. Scholarships will be valid for the year in which they were earned. They are not transferrable
· Dancers will be broken into groups of 10 and will improv to a song selected by our DJ in the lyrical, contemporary, jazz or hip-hop style.
· Improvisation can help dancers feel more comfortable in their own skin as artists. It allows the mind to think without overanalyzing the body's motions, creating a balance between conscious awareness and impulsive action. The ability to improvise with confidence is an important audition skill.
A top 5 will be determined through the judge's elimination process. Dancers will be divided into two age brackets for the Dance Out Challenge: 7-11 and 12-18 years old. Dancers must enter based on their age AS OF THE SAME DAY the Dance Off is held. Tickets will be available for purchase at the Dance Out Competition Boutique at the event for $10.00 each. This is an invaluable experience for all dancers!
1st Place in each division will receive a trophy
2nd -5th Place will receive a medal
National Championship Entry Fees
All entries must be made through our website. Dance Out does not accept independent entries.
Contact for fees
This category simulates an audition wherein all entered dancers will be taught a 32-48 count jazz/hip hop dance combination by our Dance Off instructor. The dancers will perform the combination in groups. Through the judge’s process of elimination, a top 5 will be determined. Dancers will be divided into two age brackets for the Dance Out Challenge: 7-11 and 12-18 years old. Dancers must enter based upon their age AS OF THE SAME DAY the Dance Off is held. Tickets will be available for purchase at the Dance Out Competition Boutique at the event for $10.00 each. This is an invaluable experience to all dancers.
National Championship Solo Title
Elite Level is only for Petite, Junior, Teen, and Senior age divisions. Mini Petite age divisions all levels are allowed. Each dancer is permitted to have only one piece in consideration for the Title Competition. This includes all age divisions. NO ONSITE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ALLOWED.
Dancers are asked to wear formal attire for this round
Each dancer will be asked to introduce themselves including their name, age, studio, and choreographer.
Each dancer will draw a question from the bowl and answer it on stage. Questions will be age appropriate and points for their answer will be added to the solo and technique round to determine the winner.
Each dancer will be asked to introduce themselves, including their name, age, studio, and choreographer. They will draw from a list of steps in baller or jazz suitable for their ages. The step options will be sent to the studios along with your tentative schedule. The scores will be added to the solo score to determine the winner
· Mini Petite Miss / Mini Petite Mister Ages 6 and
· Petite Miss / Petite Mister Ages 7-8
· Junior Miss / Junior Mister Ages 9-10
· Pre Teen Miss/Pre-Teen Mister Ages 11-12
· Teen Miss / Teen Mister Ages 13-14
· Miss / Mister Ages 15-18
National Championship Awards
Each routine will receive an adjudicated medal (Double Platinum, Platinum, Gold) based on score.
Category winners will be awarded to the highest-scoring routine in each dance category and age division.
1st – 5th Place in each age division/level will receive a trophy
6th -10th Place in each age division/level will receive a trophy
Minimum numbers of routines are required in each division to award all 10 places. When the minimum requirement is not met a reduction in awards and/or combining of divisions/group sizes may occur. A representative from the studio must be present on stage during the awards ceremony to be eligible for Overall Awards. Dancers must be in costume or team uniform during award ceremonies
Productions in the Intro level will be combined regardless of the age division.
Productions in the Intermediate level will be combined regardless of the age division.
Productions in the Elite level will be combined regardless of the age division.
Overall high points in 1st place - 3rd Place will receive the following cash and/or gift certificate award: Certificates may be used at regional events only. They will not be accepted at the national finals.
Cash awards or Award certificates will be given to the director of the studio. It is the Director's decision as to the distribution of such. Cash awards and/or gift certificates will only be eligible when there are 10 or more competition numbers in an age division and level for the following group sizes: Solo, Duo/Trio, Small Groups, Large Groups, Lines, and when there are two or more Productions.
Solo 1st $75 2nd $50 - 3rd $25
Duo/Trio 1st $75 2nd $50 3rd $25
Small Group 1st $125 2nd $75 - 3rd $50
Large Group 1st $125 2nd $75 - 3rd $50
Lines 1st $125 2nd $75 3rd $50
Production 1st $250 2nd $125 - 3rd $75
Dance Out Competition will award an undetermined number of Special Awards at the Director and/or Judges discretion.
· Outstanding Costume
· Outstanding Precision
· Outstanding Choreography
· Outstanding Technique
· Outstanding Entertainment
Routines selected in each age division/level will receive a banner or specialty award.
Dance Out Final Showdown
Top 5 Small/Large groups Contenders combined in each level in the following age divisions will advance to the Final Showdown. Each routine will receive a Final Showdown Contender certificate.
NEW Final Showdown Contender Age Groups
Mini Petite/ Petite (8 and under)
Junior / Pre-Teen (9-12 years)
Teen (13-4years)
Senior (15-18 years)
Each studio may have only one routine in each level/age division advance to the final showdown. If a studio received at TKO during a regional competition, it would automatically advance in addition to the one routine limit per studio.
Top 5 Line/ Productions in the Intro level will be combined from will advance to the Final Showdown
Top 5 Line/ Productions in the Intermediate level will be combined from will advance to the Final Showdown
Top 5 Line/ Productions in the Elite level will be combined from will advance to the Final Showdown
**In the event there is only 1 group in an age division/level they will advance to the Final Showdown for their placement and to compete for the Knockout Award.
Top 5 highest scoring Solos, Duo, and Trios (Intro, Intermediate and Elite) from the National Championship combined in each level regardless of age will be invited to compete at the Final Showdown for the Undisputed Champion Award.
Our panel of National Championship judges along with 1-2 new judges will score ALL routines in the Final Showdown.
Each Routine will receive the Final Showdown Finalist Plaque.
1st Place Trophy for the top scoring small/large group in each age division/level
1st Place Trophy for the top scoring line/production (all ages & levels combined)
Highest-scoring group routine in each level (Intro, Intermediate, Elite) will receive a championship belt and banner along with a $500 Award
The Undisputed Trophy will be awarded in each level to a group routine the judges & director collectively decide was the most memorable performance from Final Showdown
**All rules are subject to change by Director or venue.